Singing Our Faith

Singing Our Faith

Results for "" The church wants to stay connected to you during these times. As always, call or text me directly as our office hours will be flexible. My phone number is 678-756-4880.  One of the ways that we as Methodists have traditionally been in...
Breath Prayers

Breath Prayers

Will Waller Recently, a friend wrote to me about the challenges she was having at work.  I’m not sure what it is called, but there are some words that sound like what they are. Work is one of those. Her struggles were real and the trials great. She is a person...
Hear the good news

Hear the good news

Hear ye!  Hear ye! I hear ya loud and clear!Can you hear me now?  Good! One element of life that I don’t think about all that often is hearing.  Hearing, and by hearing I mean the active acceptance of a message delivered, must occur for communication to...
Bethlehem > Vegas

Bethlehem > Vegas

This month, I read that Las Vegas has become one of THE HOLIDAY DESTINATIONS. The famous Bellagio fountains will be dancing to the tunes of “Silent Night” and “O Little Town of Bethlehem.” If you like seeing the Christmas displayed on the world’s largest video screen,...
Go together

Go together

Recently, at a Danville District event, the moderator began by sharing her devotional that morning. Rather than a lengthy devotional, this one was a mere five words: “Who are you running with?” The question is an insightful one because it points us in the direction of...